



公司简介 添香防辐射—中国防辐射行业龙头品牌。 —中国防辐射行业的风向标。 —中国服装百强企业。 营销网络遍布全国30多个省市,专卖店覆盖国内主流百货的防辐射服饰专业品牌。 添香防辐射是行业内第一个导入艺人代言概念的品牌。品牌代言人兼服装设计师的美丽教主伊能静,以其知性才女的形象在BLOG中和每一位OL分享她的美丽防辐射宣言。09年,公司又重金邀请徐若瑄担任“添香亲善大使”,藉由徐若瑄的时尚气质,为添香原本专业的品牌形象增添一份活力。 添香创造的不仅仅是一个品牌,而是一个行业! Company Profile Tianxiang anti-radiation – a leading brand in Chinese anti-radiation industry - the vane in the Chinese anti-radiation industry - One of the top 100 garment enterprises in China Its marketing network has spread over more than 30 provinces and cities in China, and the specialty stores of the anti-radiation garment brand have covered all major department stores in China. Tianxiang anti-radiation is the first brand which adopts artist endorsements in the industry. Annie Yi, spokesperson and fashion designer of the brand, shares her beauty & anti-radiation declaration based on her intellectual image in the BLOG with every OL. In 2009, the company has invited Vivian Hsu as "Tianxiang Goodwill Ambassador". The fashionable style of Vivian Hsu has made the professional brand image of Tianxiang more vivid. Tianxiang has created not only a brand, but also an industry! 产品适用范围: OFFICE长时间使用电脑、打印机、复印机等办公设备的白领;孕妇和腹中胎儿;上电脑课程的学生及长期上网的大小“网虫”;经常使用电器的家庭主妇;长期生活在电磁波辐射源中的人群(电讯业、电子业、银行、证券从业人员)。 代言人伊能静 由集影视明星、歌星、主持人和作家等多种身份于一身的“美丽教主”——伊能静,领衔参与“伊心一意”系列服装的设计,辅以国外女装设计师的精英团队加盟,风格更时尚,品质更有保证。相信追求高品位的您会毫不犹豫地爱上它。 电磁波对人体的危害: 国家环保总局电磁辐射环境影响评审委员会的专家指出:电脑、手机、各种家电已成为我们生活中不可少的一部分,长期受到电磁辐射的人群具体表现在:儿童造血功能残缺,智力障碍。孕妇妊娠异常,流产,畸形胎儿。普通人群神经衰弱,易衰老等症状。 Scope of application: white-collar workers who use computers, printers, copiers and other office equipment on a regular basis; pregnant women and fetuses; students who have computer courses, and various “netizens”; housewives who frequently use electrical appliances; people who live in the electromagnetic radiation source (telecommunications, electronics, banking, and securities practitioners). Spokesperson – Annie Yi "Priestess of Beauty" Annie Yi, a movie star, singer, host and writer, has led the “Yixinyiyi(伊心一意)” series fashion design. Many outstanding foreign designers of women's wears also have participated in it, so that the style can be more fashionable with better quality. We believe that those who pursue high quality will not hesitate to like it. Harms of electromagnetic waves to humans: Experts of Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment Committee of SEPA have pointed out: computers, mobile phones, and various home appliances have become an indispensable part of our lives, and people who are regularly exposed to electromagnetic radiation embody the following: children have hematopoietic defects and mental retardation. Pregnant women have abnormal pregnancies, abortions, and fetal malformations. Normal people suffer from neurasthenia, are easy to be senescent, and other symptoms. 代言人徐若瑄 在电影《非诚勿扰》中出色饰演未婚妈妈的徐若瑄打动着千万 “80后”准妈妈的心。添香防辐射援引徐若瑄在社会公众中的影响力,力邀她担任公司品牌公益形象大使,号召更多的青年人在生活中多留意自己身边的孕妇们,给予这些准妈妈们更多的关爱。 专家建议育龄夫妇: 富有活力的精子和卵子是养育健康宝宝的必要前提,夫妇双方应自计划怀孕前3-6个月起,选择穿着防电磁辐射功能的服装。男士可选择电磁波防护平角内裤及防辐射西装马甲,女士需穿着前后都具有防辐射功能的服装。防护范围越大,效果越佳。 电脑摆放位置很重要。尽量别让屏幕的背面朝着有人的地方,因为电脑辐射最强的是背面,其次为左右两侧,屏幕的正面反而辐射稍弱。 因此,强烈建议购买前后防护的防辐射服装。 Spokesperson - Vivian Hsu In the movie "If You Are the One", Vivian played an unwed mother who touches millions of mother-to-be who born after 1980. Due to Vivian Hsu’s influence in the public, Tianxiang anti-radiation has invited her to be Goodwill Ambassador of the brand. She calls on more young people to pay more attention to pregnant women around and cares more about these expectant mothers. Suggestions of experts on couples of childbearing age: Vigorous sperms and ova are the necessary prerequisite for having healthy babies, couples should wear anti-electromagnetic radiation garment 3-6 months before they plan to have their pregnancies. Men should choose to wear anti-electromagnetic wave boxer short and anti-radiation business suit & waistcoat, while women should wear cloth with both front and back anti- radiation protection. The greater the scope of the protection, the better the effect. The location of computer is very important. The back of the screen should not be pointed at the place with people as far as possible, because the back of the computer has the strongest radiation, then the left and right sides. The front of the screen has the weaker radiation. Therefore, we strongly recommend buying cloth with both front and back anti- radiation protection. 电磁波对胎儿的危害 .0-3个月的胚胎期胎儿,一般后果为肢体缺损或畸形。 .4-5个月为胎儿形成期,一般后果为智能损坏,甚至造成痴呆。 .6-10个月为胎儿成长期,主要后果是机能低下,出生后体质和抵抗力较差。 金属纤维洗涤方式: 建议以手洗方式洗涤,将防电磁波服饰置于稀释后的普通洗衣粉中稍加浸泡,清水冲洗干净,置于阴凉处晾干即可。请勿大力揉搓,污点处小心洗刷。 品牌战略联盟伙伴 许多著名公司与我公司建立了长期友好合作伙伴关系,并成为防电磁波辐射服饰的长期用户。 Harms of electromagnetic waves to fetuses For fetuses of 0-3 months (embryonic period), general consequence is the physical defect or deformity. For fetuses of 4-5 months (formative period), the general consequence is intelligence damage, and even dementia. For fetuses of 6-10 months (growth period), the main consequence is underactivity, and poor corporeity and resistance after birth. Metal fiber washing method: Hand washing is suggested. The anti-electromagnetic wave garment should be slightly soaked in the diluted usual washing powder, then it should be rinsed with clean water, and placed in the shade until it is dry. Do not vigorously rub, and the spots should be carefully washed up. Brand strategic alliance partners Many well-known companies have established the long-term friendly and cooperative partnership with our company, and become long-term users of anti-electromagnetic radiation clothes.


添香加盟优势 ●添香防辐射行业十大品牌之首,统领行业发展,占绝对市场份额,垄断整个行业。 ●添香每年为经销商投入7000万巨额广告费 (中央电视台8套节目同时投放,28个省级电视台和相关报纸同时投放) ●您不需要投入太多的资金进货,不需要承担太多库存压力,添香为您提供量身服务。 ●添香可以代您将商品送至消费者,所有的售后服务添香将代您为消费者解决。 ●厂家直供,价格绝对优势。 ●全国统一售价,添香授权销售。 ●品牌过硬,质量保证。赢得了1000多万妈咪的信赖! ●业界领先的电子商务运营平台,面向未来的运营模式。 ●面向顾客设计的产品,产品有特色,市场需求明确。 ●线上线下全面广告宣传,强化客户购买力。 服装一直以来都是加盟商最为关注的行业之一。然而近些年来,大家是不是都觉得服装生意越来越难做了?积压,换季,款式,颜色,处理。。。。。。利润也越来越低了?现在这些问题都不复存在!作为一个淘宝加盟商日出百件的防辐射服装品牌,凭借优良的品质和完善的服务创造了防辐射市场的经典传奇,塑造添香的品牌形象——真实、健康、专业、时尚。 ●荣获"全国防辐射服装产品质量十佳之首"的称号 ●经过国家相关部门调查结果,"添香"防辐射服装在全国市场占有率排名"第一" ●添香是唯一一家荣获“上海市名牌产品”称号的防辐射企业 ●添香荣获“中国服装百强企业”称号 ●添香荣获“中国著名品牌”称号 ●添香荣获“上海市先进单位”称号 ●添香是唯一一家业内双明星代言企业【品牌代言人兼荣誉设计师“伊能静”、和“徐若瑄”】 ●添香是国内唯一通过“日本、台湾、上海”检测防辐射率达到“99.9%”以上的品牌 ●"全国守合同,重信用企业" 公司实行首批100%调换,无时间、数量限制,充分保证各位合作伙伴零风险经营,欢迎全国各地经销商、代理商加盟! 无限商机就在您睿智的眼光中!美丽防辐射,健康新生活! 添香加盟条件 一、网店条件 店铺的信用度决定上架了我们的产品后,能不能尽快的成交。对网店操作流程熟练,有一定的网店经营与宣传经验的我们优先考虑给予加盟,如果不是从事互联网行业的或是刚刚接触网络开网店,什么都不会的不得加入,因为我们没有时间针对网店的基本操作流程来做无止尽的回复。所以要求加盟的网店本身要有一定的操作能力。【发展加盟的目的就是扩大销量,如果现有的产品能辅助我们产品带来销量,我们会优先考虑选择加盟。】 二、实体店条件 拥有自己的实体店铺,面积不小于20平米;有过类似产品的销售经验,对防辐射行业有一定的认识和了解。 三、加盟条件 1. 需填写网络加盟申请表; 2. 需签订添香品牌网络经销合作协议,一式二份; 3. 网络经销商加盟:商城需支付2000元加盟金,集市店铺需支付500元加盟金; 4. 添香渠道经销商的零售价不得低于添香吊牌价88折销售”否则按规定处罚。

公司名称: 上海添香实业有限公司

品牌名称: 添香

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