Superga X Alexachung FW18 联名系列全球发售-全球时尚品牌网

Superga X Alexachung FW18 联名系列全球发售

2018-09-27 来源:全球时尚品牌网

  意大利著名鞋履品牌SUPERGA联合18年度全球代言人 alexachung,全新秋冬合作胶囊系列9月21日全球同步发售。包括中国在内的54个城市的SUPERGA门店中可以买到。



  Superga x ALEXACHUNG的秋冬设计看点十足,灵感来自于复古保龄球鞋,采用绒面革和天鹅绒的温暖材料,厚实稳固的轮胎鞋底。这款名为Alpina lug-sole的高跟鞋是对SUPERGA的悠久历史和传统鞋艺的全新直径。钟小姐在设计的过程中,也花了很多的心思,使它更能符合全新一季的流行风潮,搭配完全不同风格的服饰。

  “To work with Superga was an amazing experience! Now, for the second time, I’m launching my collection. I really enjoyed creating for the brand and adding a piece of myself into the designs. I hope that everyone loves them as much as I enjoyed making them.”


  With Alexa love never dies.

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